Almost no one-male or female-fits 100% into a box or category like alpha, beta, or sigma.

The alleged male hierarchy doesn’t represent the true complexity of gender and social relationships. Both men and women are attracted to partners for a variety of reasons, including their specific relationship and the way they treat each other.It may lead to self-limiting behavior and unkind treatment of other men based on their “position,” as well as the harmful idea that a woman is obligated to show affection to a man based on his social status. Hierarchical thinking can be misleading.Acting like a sigma, alpha, or any other “category” of male to impress someone is counterproductive to finding a healthy, meaningful relationship.If you’re trying to attract someone, focus on being your true self rather than forcing yourself into a “type.” When someone is attracted to the real you, you’ll have much stronger relationship potential. However, this is a big oversimplification based on stereotypes and outdated gender concepts. Sigma males are considered the rarest type of male, making them the “irresistible” bad boys of the social hierarchy. Supposedly, women like sigmas because they’re mysterious and elusive. It’s thought an alpha can be overly confident to the point of pure arrogance, while a sigma is believed to be quietly confident and self-assured.They'll associate with anyone they think is interesting. Sigmas tend to view everyone as equals and don't believe in a social hierarchy. They can be flashy and they may seek out people who affirm their status. Alphas pay attention to social status and value their place at or near the top.Alphas are said to be competitive and aggressive in getting what they want, while sigmas are believed to be more easy-going and assertive.Alpha males are generally thought to be social, loud, and extroverted, while sigma males are supposedly more private, quiet, and introverted.Here are a few differences between alphas and sigmas: X Research source

For reference, alpha males are said to be natural leaders-they’re thought to be ambitious, confident, successful people who gravitate to positions of power and assume dominant roles in their relationships. Sigma males are often considered introverted versions of alpha males.